FFC 36 Quick Results
MMA 145 lbs: Robert Trujillo (1-0) def. David Stieneke (0-1) via TKO Rd. 1
MMA 145 lbs: Jordan Leavitt (3-0) def Ray Ostrander (1-1) via Tech. Sub (arm triangle) Rd. 1
MMA 160 lbs: Tristan Connelly (12-5) def Zach Juusola (11-6) via Sub (guillotine) Rd. 1
Co-Main Event:
MMA 135 lbs: Journey Newson (9-1) def Soslan Abanokov (5-4-1) via KO Rd. 1
Rd. 1 the pair exchange leg kicks but Soslan lands two more high kicks. Soslan fails a takedown and misses an overhand right then eats an overhand right that knocks his lights out before he hits the canvas.
Main Event:
Mykyta Chub (19-7) v Francois Ambang (18-8-1) FFC 187 lb kickboxing title
Rd. 1 Chub comes out and lands body kicks and a body knee, Francois lands a body kick of his own. Chub lands a body knee and another body kick followed by another body knee. Chub lands a front kick to the body and knocks Francois down but it doesn’t count. Chub lands a jab to end the round
Rd. 2 Chub lands a head kick and a left cross then another knee to the body. Chub lands another knee to the face and another jab. Francois lands a trip briefly then another. Chub lands another leg kick to end the round.
Rd. 3 Chub starts the round with a leg kick then a thigh kick. Chub lands a jab and a knee but eats a body kick from Francois. Now Francois lands more leg kicks but eats a body kick to end the round.
Rd. 4 Chub lands a knee but eats an uppercut. Francois lands 2 body kicks but eats a front kick to the face. Chub lands another body kick and a leg kick then a jump knee to end the round.
Rd. 5 Chub again lands another body kick and a leg kick. Chub lands two knees to Francois’s torso. Chub lands an uppercut and a spinning back fist then a spinning back elbow and Chub just shows off to finish the round.
Mykyta Chub (20-7) def Francois Ambang (18-9-1) via UD for FFC 187 lb kickboxing title