Chris McMillan (38-10) def. Teo Mikelic (18-7) via SD
(29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
Rd. 1 Chris begins the action with some body kicks, then a high kick then a body kick. Teo answers with a nice combo followed by a leg kick. Teo lands a left that wobbles chris along the ropes, chris lands a body kick. Chris lands a head kick, Teo misses a spinning back kick, Teo lands a nice combo to end the round.
Rd. 2 chris lands a right hook but eats a quick combo from Chris. Teo lands a thigh kick, chris lands a body kick, then a side knee to the body. Teo lands a head kick but is slipped by a leg kick. Chris lands a spinning back kick to the body to end the round.
Rd. 3 chris lands a straight right then body kick. The pair start trading side body kicks, then there’s a series of dirty kickboxing on the inside. Teo lands a knee kick but misses a spinning back fist, then the pair trade leg kicks. Teo lands two left hooks then a combo and more leg kicks as the bell sounds in a very close fight
154lb Boxing
Andre Keyes (10-1) def. Randy Fuentes (7-7-1) via SD (59-55, 56-58, 59-55)
Rd. 1 Andre lands a jab and Randy misses attempting an answer. Randy lands 2 body shots. Keyes lands another straight and Randy misses an overhand right, Andre lands a right hook. Randy lands a right hook
Rd. 2 Randy lands a straight to the body but Andre lands a hard cross to the body. Randy attempts a combo but Andre blocks it all and lands a hard hook to the body then a left to the face of Fuentes. Andre lands another hard body shot and Randy looks hurt, Fuentes lands a jab but eats another body shot and Andre lands a combo to end the round.
Rd. 3 the fighters circle for a bit, Andre lands a hard hook to the face of Randy. Fuentes answers with another blocked combo, and the fighters accidentally but heads. Andre lands a clean combination and Randy misses wildly.
Rd. 4 Randy throws a few punches but all are blocked. Andre lands a hard right hook to Fuentes’s head then another to the body of Randy. Randy misses more punches but then lands a body and head shot but eats another body shot from Andre. Randy lands an overhand right but eats a hook to end the round.
Rd. 5 Randy misses a few shots and eats a body uppercut. Randy lands a hard uppercut to the face of Andre then misses a follow up. Andre lands a combo to the body. Randy lands an uppercut to the face but eats a right from Andre. The pair exchange rights to end the round.
Rd. 6 Randy tries a combo but misses mostly, however he’s coming out with a sense of urgency. He eats a hook from Andre, Randy lands another uppercut but eats a left. Andre lands a right cross to Randy’s face. Andre lands two more rights upstairs. Randy misses an overhand right and eats an inside right. Randy lands a wild right cross but the Fight ends.
155lb MMA
Darrick Minner (22-9) def. Clay Collard (16-8-1) via Sub Rd. 1 RNC :31 secs.
Rd. 1
Miner lands a leg kick then shoots for a takedown and immediately secures the back and locks in a rear naked choke to force the tap in a super quick fight.
187 lb Kickboxing Title Fight
Mykyta Chub (18-7) Def Andi Vrtacic (10-1) via SD (47-48, 48-47, 48-47)
Rd. 1
Andi misses a high kick early but lands a right hand, and another right hand. Andi lands a leg kick, but eats a leg kick. Andi starts toying with Chub and lands a hard right hook. Andi lands another hard right to end the round
Rd. 2
Chub lands a right hand, then a knee to Andi’s body. Andi lands a straight to the body but eats a leg kick then lands a body kick. Andi misses a spinning back fist and eats a leg kick but lands a right hook and body kick to end the round.
Rd. 3
Andi lands a leg kick, then a straight right to the head of Chub. Andi lands a head kick but eats a body kick. Andi lands a spinning back kick accidentally to Chub’s groin area. Chub lands a good left to end the round.
Rd. 4
Chub lands a good knee to the face in the corner then lands a leg kick and another. Chub then lands a spinning back kick to the body. Andi lands a left hook to the head but eats an overhand right. Andi lands a front kick to end the round.
Rd. 5
Chub lands a good left but eats a right hook. Andi lands a head kick, then they both land rights. Chub lands a leg kick, Andi lands two right hands but eats an overhand right. Andi lands one more right to end the round.
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